CFD Comfort Calculations


DesignBuilder CFD comfort calculations allow you to carry out a distributed analysis of the comfort conditions in the domain. The comfort calculations are carried out for each cell in the grid and include consideration of the local air temperature and velocity. Radiant temperatures of the surrounding surfaces are also considered. Note that solar radiation through windows is not considered in DesignBuilder CFD.


Comfort calculations use the Fanger comfort model. Metabolic rates and clothing levels are obtained from the data entered under the ‘Metabolic’ header on the ‘Activity’ tab of the model data panel.


After completing or pausing the CFD calculations the Update CFD comfort tool will become enabled. After selecting this tool, a progress bar will be displayed indicating that mean radiant temperature (MRT) calculations are in progress, followed by another progress bar for the comfort calculations themselves.


After the comfort calculations, when comfort data is available, some additional comfort slice display variables are available on the Display options data panel:




You can find out more about Fanger comfort calculations in the EnergyPlus Thermal Comfort section.